VR "Amazonia Viva" was chosen as the best virtual reality film at the Barcelona Planet Film Festival!

We are happy to announce that the "Amazônia Viva" film, commissioned by IRI Brasil, directed and scripted by Estêvão Ciavatta, was the winner of the Best Virtual Reality Film/360° Film Miró at the Barcelona Planet Film Festival!

Our special thanks to the director and screenwriter Estêvão Ciavatta, to cacica Raquel Tupinambá, to Pindorama Filmes, to Studio KwO XR, and to the film's supporters, the Climate and Society Institute - ICS and Conservation International - CI.

"Amazônia Viva" came to unite, to integrate common people and people from different places with indigenous people, local communities, environmentalists, public administrators, and scientists for the restoration and conservation of the largest tropical forest in the world. It is one of the main tools IRI Brazil is using in the sensitization, training, and engagement programs for leaders and religious communities about the preservation of the Amazon and the defense of indigenous people, quilombolas, and local communities.
